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About me

I started my journey into the Mindfulness world around 2009. I did many weekend and day retreats and participated in an 8 weeks MBSR course. At a time when many changes happened in my life it provided me with a solid base. The daily practices of formal meditation anchored me in the moment.

When stress is present in our daily lives it can lead to anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed. Learning that we have a choice how we respond to challenges, was a big revelation for me. Not being controlled by my thoughts, instead knowing what is present without getting hooked into it.

In 2014 I had the opportunity to become a Mindfulness in Schools teacher  with  Organisation, at the Sanctuary in Dublin.

A wonderful organisation that brings Mindfulness in many schools and universities in the UK. They also work closely with Oxford University to establish research on how mindfulness can change the brain on a physical level.

I have since worked in many primary and secondary schools in Co.Kerry.

In the summer 2018 I have finished the MBSR teacher training for Adults with the IMBA (Institut for Mindfulness Approaches) in Dublin. I am part of the Irish Mindfulness Teacher Organisation.

At present I am teaching Mindfulness courses, offer Retreats and drop in Meditation classes.


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